Africa Capital Group showcases the latest Coupons and Deals offered by your various favourite stores like Amazon , Flipkart and Snapdeal. We deal in most of the Electronic Products like Televisions, Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Computers etc., Clothing, Men’s and Women’s Shoes and other fashion products. There are Coupons and Deals for Travel and Holiday packages. There are other so many products and services which you can see under the Category Column in the Top Menu bar.
So, how to use Coupons and Deals? First of all you should choose your product to buy. You can write the name of that product in the search box. It will show some deals and coupons with the images of Stores: Flipkart, Amazon or Snapdeal. You can choose your product or product category with the maximum discount at the store of your choice. You can click that link and proceed further. Sometimes stores mention some Coupon Code or Promo Code like FASHION99 or any thing IND777. This coupon code you have to copy paste in the box at the time of making payment. You can complete the payment process. For small products like Books and others you can opt for Cash on Delivery. In case you need high value product on Cash on Delivery, you have to keep that money ready with you.
Deals are without any code and the discount mentioned there get automatically adjusted at the time of placing the order.
A person cannot see all the stores. Always something is left out or forgotten. Therefore, we summarise the deals at our website and give you the direct link to your store for that particular product.
You can get Summary of Daily Deals and Coupons at your email address. For that you have to register your email id with us, as the box given below.